By Susan Dakdduk
There is almost always at least one career that precedes a career in real estate, and Susan Dakdduk’s history is no exception. In her past working life, Susan was a news anchor and investigative reporter, and received the prestigious George Foster Peabody Award. To learn more about her practice as a top San Francisco Realtor, click here.
Reading time: 1 minute
A conversation with a friend today reminded me of the saying: “A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.”
My friend was in a serious four-car accident the day before Easter. She had to be extricated from her totaled car and, hours later, when the emergency workers finally got her onto the stretcher, they noticed one of her legs was a few inches shorter than the other. Turns out her femur was pushed up into her hip; she endured major surgery and now there’s months of rehabilitation work ahead.
She recounted what happened to me by first saying that she didn’t tell her daughter until that evening – her daughter had a lot going on that day and she didn’t want her to worry. My friend then went on to talk about how wonderful the surgeon was and how hard the staff works at the rehabilitation facility. There was no moaning about poor me, I’m in so much pain, I’ve got to do three months of rehab, I have to learn how to walk up and down stairs, I have to buy a new car, I can’t believe this happened, etc. She was grateful and amazed she didn’t have any back, neck or head injuries and that no one died.
Her spirits were extremely high, even though she had reason to be in a very different head space and she is recovering well.
What a lovely reminder: While you can’t always control what happens to you, you can always control your attitude about what happens to you!.